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Cloud49 Overview

What is it?

As organizations adjusted to hybrid work, they had to find ways to replace the physical office with a virtual one.

As a cloud operations platform, Cloud49™ answers this need for architectural firms. It's a data repository, a single source of truth that crosses departmental divides. Never enter the same data twice - even your public website portfolio and team bios can synchronize automatically.

Yes, we have individual specializations, but our ultimate productivity goal is to harness that expertise to solve multi-dimensional problems together. Synergy exists between most disciplines, and Cloud49 unlocks them to connect roles as diverse as business development, project management, contract administration, leadership, and accounting. Everyone, including consultants and clients.

Yes, Cloud49 is also a set of tools, but its vision is to elevate its users through design and pure machine intelligence. Each functional module was developed from the first principles, disregarding dated ERP-AE industry norms.

Learn more at https://www.cloud49.net


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